20 February, 2012

Web Gem

Jasper Blake is a professional triathlete I've followed online over the last couple of years. He retired from the sport this year and here's an exerpt from his blog anouncing said retirement..

"Never underestimate how much work you will do and how much you will have to give of yourself to get good. If you want to win you have to earn that rite every single year, every single month, every single week, every single day, every single workout. But don’t look at it as a sacrifice; consider it a gift that you have the opportunity to go down that road. Win or lose, it’s an awesome road to be on!"

To some, that may seem scary.
To some, that may seem a waste of time and energy.
To some, that may seem like a challenge.

To me, it's a reminder of what it takes and an afformation that I'm still motivated to "go down that road".